I am vitally concerned in my teaching and research with the formulation and implementation of policies that influence scientific research and technological innovation. By setting developments in science and technology in their social, political, and economic context, I seek to provide insights to practitioners, scholars, and students that will help them to manage change for the greater benefit of society.
In 2011-2012, I had the privilege of serving as the assistant director for innovation policy at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). My primary responsibility at OSTP was the formulation and oversight of advanced manufacturing policy, in collaboration with the National Economic Council. During my tenure, I worked closely with the President’s Advanced Manufacturing Partnership, which was co-chaired by MIT President Susan Hockfield and Dow CEO Andrew Liveris. I contributed significantly to the National Science and Technology Council’s National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing. I helped to stand up the interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office, formulate the President’s proposal for a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (now Manufacturing USA), and establish the Additive Manufacturing Pilot (now America Makes). In addition, I was deeply involved in policy development related to the advanced manufacturing workforce, particularly the skilled trades.
I have served on the board of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation and on the editorial or governing boards of Review of Policy Research, Science and Public Policy, and the Journal of Science Policy and Governance.